Confession: I am a creature of habit. I like planning. Keeping to a routine comforts me.
Twist: I like the ending and beginning of things.
How that works: I like the accomplishment of completing something. I like the planning of something new and a fresh routine. I just don't always like the settling into a routine time.
Which is what I am in now.
We are currently bouncing back and forth from the lake to the city which means packing and unpacking food and clothes. We keep stuff at both houses but perishables have to go back and forth since lately I never know how long we are staying at either home. I don't own enough clothes (that fit) to keep things at both houses. The kids drawers at the lake seem bursting while home they are wearing PJ's for lack of clothing. Three hairbrushes in Rochester, coming my hair with a fork Wednesday morning at the lake.
Katrina and Alex finished up all of their preschool stuff from last year but the concept of summer vacation is completely foreign to them, not to mention I don't really like the concept but more on that another time. But we are in the process of ordering their next level of stuff so we can't really work out a routine yet. Plus I haven't figured out how to work them both into the day with Max and Tristan without loosing all my time during naps (for house things, bills, Academy work, and "productive" things like email and this!). I can't complain that they are hounding me to do school but I'm looking forward to when I feel under control with the routine of it.
I am also trying to figure out our summer schedule - family/friend visits, renters at the lake, when to be there or Rochester, family camp, kid fun activities, etc. I think this is where my main head spin is coming from...I like to have the calendar all laid out (and stick to it!). So many options.
Really all of it boils down to the fact we are fortunate enough to have these options. I just need help remembering that. Well, and maybe help weeding out some activities. Probably could use a little help with the housework too...